So, as always, lots of studying. HOWEVER, we got some snow and we got to see my parents on their way back from a meditation camp/conference thing in Canon City, CO. Well, we also went out for dinner on Saturday night with my friend Kerri (who lives in Denver) and her boyfriend, Scott, who was in town from Chicago for the weekend. We went to a place called Cuba Cuba which was real authentic jamaican and absolutely delicious. As we were getting ready to leave, it was a very wet snow coming down, more like rain, and I asked Rob if we should take my truck, as he is always watching the weather. He said, yes, there was a storm supposed to come in, but not until later that night. So, we took his awesome purple dodge neon. She gets us where we need to go, but not the best in snow to say the least...well, we make it to the restaurant, and as we are eating we look out the window and watch the wet snow turn into a full-blown blizzard. By the time we are finished (didn't even have dessert) we walked out to about 6" accumulation on the roads. Well, we make it back to Kerri's and drop them off, but then we have what is usually, in normal conditions, about a 35 minute drive home. Let's just say, the neon was useless. If we got stopped at a traffic light, we could only get going by sliding left than right. These are roads with three lanes of traffic and no lines able to be seen. FUN!!! What is with Colorado and not plowing!??! At any rate, we went, slipping and sliding, and praying and finally arrived home, an HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES later. haha. But, it was fun, and Rob and I had some great songs on the radio (the ipod died in the cold) and some great conversation and laughing about the ridiculousness of the situation. No worries, we will be buying good snow tires soon. So that perhaps he can at least begin moving in the snow. All in all, it was great food and a safe drive. Also, Rob has decided that shoveling the walks and driveway is his favorite past time with any hint of snow on the ground. So, of course, first thing this morning he geared up and went out "to take care of business." I stuck my head out at one point to see how he was doing, and the picture I took was the sight I saw. Why, you might ask, is he wearing ski goggles to shovel the walk? Not sure. Think the neighbors are not sure either. Oh, and as for the gaypride shorts, they are his new favorite. Hope you enjoy. My parents and I certainly had a good laugh and a lovely reading/studying time inside while he was out "battling the elements." So, that's the picture of my step-dad on the floor reading in front of the fire with Diesel, who is always one for company.
Glad you got a small break from the studying. And glad you survived the driving in the snow. Good to see that my goofy brother is embracing the snow shoveling duties. :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like fun! I have 4 studded snow tires that we used to put on the saturn, but since it is dead and gone they are just sitting here. If you make it this way and are interested let me know. He will probably need them before that. What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?
ReplyDeleteNothing is more appropriate to wear during snow removal than gaypride shorts and goggles. That's awesome!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome!!! I love the pictures. For a second I thought that was Arnie Garr on the floor with Deisel...so cute.
ReplyDeleteFor a second I thought that Bill was reading one of the twilight books. Anyway we are so excited to see you guys at your wedding! Tell Rob he can come and teach Brian to do the mommy duties. He isn't very good at them.