I have been staying ridiculously busy with my online classes and this lovely centerpiece project, that and attempting to pack up my house for the move at the end of June (the move that is, into the Garr abode extra room until August when I get back from Ohio and we move to Denver for real). Oh ya, attempting to work on all that logistics as well, ya know, Rob passing a test, then maybe getting a job out there so that we can apply for a loan, then if we get a loan, hopefully buying a house. Details, details, no stress there, I'm completely oblivious. I'll be good in a hotel I've decided.
Next, want to just say, love the cavs, but really? Come on guys, my blood pressure has been ridiculous these past few days all because you have to bring it down to like the last .5 second three point shot every freakin' game. Let's just win one way or the other, I would rather lose than stress and worry until the last second. And, honestly, since when do I watch basketball, you ask? Well, since I always watch the finals if the cavs are in it. Probably a good thing, because as you can tell, I get really into the sports if I watch them, so I have to limit my times of caring or else I really would have consistently high blood pressure, or even higher than I already do.
Ummm, plastering. Yup. It's going. Still. Hand painting takes FOREVER!! I will take a few pics in the next couple days of the next one or two that I've gotten painted. But, one good thing, I have the spirals all plastered!! Yay! Except, the plaster room cannot be completely picked up yet, because they all still need to be jessoed and handpainted. Oh, and I'm attempting to make this spiral tree that can hang like a chandelier. So, eighteen plastered, which is the bare minimum, and now, if I have time, work on a tree and then maybe one or two extra. Then, I'll really be able to clean the plaster room. That will be nice. Why? Basically because I then have a place to start stacking the packed tubs before I move them out. I know, so fun. I'm stoked. But, in truth, it will be really nice, because right now I am really wanting space.
Last thing, or perhaps not, we'll see...jon and kate plus 8. Don't know if any of you watch it, but I have fallen in love with it while I paint, and listen to the adorable kids and OCD kate, who I totally relate to on all levels but the prissy part. I'm not so OCD about clean kids and hating the outdoors, but particular about odd things like my pillow, yes, that's totally me. At any rate, sooooo sad. Just had the season five opener show and they are basically separated and staying together only for the kids. This is a valiant effort on their part and for a good cause, but really, really sad. Especially seeing them/her so distraught about it all. Not only that, but 8 freakin' kids involved in the whole shindig. No fun.
Okay, I think this is now the last thing....Graham crackers = heaven. yes, you know me, I have my wierd phases. Over the gummi bears, for the most part. Still on the gold fish, but they will prob stay for a while, as they are heaven as well. But, in place of the gummi bears I have added the graham crackers and you think it's such a big cracker. That is, 'til it melts in your mouth to such a lovely golden, sweet mush. Man, heaven, heaven, heaven, that's all I can say. Oh ya, and the keebler elves are on the box, and yes, I love little cartoon people like the smurfs, so the elves fit right into that cute little odd happiness that I love to see every time I reach for a graham cracker. K, I think that's it for my life lately. Oh, besides we went to rob's niece's dance festival this morning and it was adorable. I so wish that a) I could dance, and b) since I can't, that I was still the age I really didn't care and I just could sort of awkwardly shake around. His neice's were not bad at all, actually very good. But, totally saw a few mini-me's out there, awkwardly trying to focus on the moves so hard that it was incredibly mechanical and awkward. But, we can't win 'em all and I sure as heck lost the dancing. I think that's it for now. Oh ya, and yes, it's way past my bedtime if you couldn't tell by all the useless rambling. adios.