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Thursday, May 14, 2009

piece numero dos (#2)

So here's the second finished product. Bad lighting, however, so mint not quite so dark and dots are dark green, not black. The future finished products will be continuing to come for quite a while.


  1. And I thought the mugs you made at Color Me Mine were cool--but these creations are amazing...and VERY whimsical. :)

  2. Wow, I'm out of things... you're engaged! I was wondering what your crazy plaster things were, so I started looking at your previous blogs. And, I have to say, instead of getting dishes, laundry and such done, I've been reading all your posts over the past couple months... I know, kind of creepy. But, you are so funny and you post the coolest things, so thank you for the entertainment. Anyway, CONGRATS!!!! When you get a spare minute, I would love some details of where, when, and anything else. Cool plastery things, by the way.

  3. Can't wait to see the final effect!
