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Saturday, November 8, 2008

useless information

Do you ever feel as though you have managed to gain so much useless information over the years, and wonder how it really all fits in there? Well, after eight years of undergraduate classes I know that I have gathered well beyond my fair share of useless information. However, the other night I was made to wonder: useless it really "useless?" or is it simply "used less".
I sat on the phone last night (not literally sat, rather talked) later than my usual eight-thirty bed time (in fact 4 hours later) and so I was in a relatively low grade state of delirium when the topic turned to melatonin. Go figure, we were speaking of it as being a great herbal sleep aid. Without even realizing, I soon found myself uncontrollably regurgitating to my friend all of the reasons that it would make sense that it would work. Some smattering of "controlling your circadian cycles," "released by the pineal gland," and "endocrine hormone" along with "synthesized by the amino-acid tryptophan," followed by about a two minute long dialogue (pretty much to myself) regarding that perhaps because of its synthesis from tryptophan both of them have sleepy effects. This naturally segued into thanksgiving dinner, and the fact that I won't have that great nap this year because I have recently become vegan, and trailed off rather quickly thereafter.
At any rate, soon after my "thoughts" had been released from my tired and easily amused brain, I was brought to laugh at myself immediately and apologize for bringing in way too much to detail to such an initially simple topic. My friend quickly responded, "it's okay, you can let me know, because I won't really follow and then i'll just say 'I don't know, but it works.'"...And this is an incredibly long ramble to get to the point that perhaps there is a time when you have gathered so much of the "useless" information that when all compiled it may actually be quite useful and informative and its bad name comes from the mere fact that it is "used less."

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