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Friday, March 6, 2009

I got "Blog Tagged"

1. Go to your documents/pictures.
2. Go to your 6th file.
3. Go to your 6th picture.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tag 6 people to do the same.

This is a great picture of me in May, 2008...almost a year ago, when I got my lips injected with collagen. Somehow I was very early on in the process of the injections (first needle into my lip to numb the area) identified as a "bleeder and a bruiser," by the plastic surgeon. Right, somehow, I can totally see why. Looked as though I got punched in the face with a softball. Although, my lips were a bit plumper than they were before (and by that I mean, you could actually see a lip instead of just a line). This was about three days after and it actually looked more like a bruise, but the day of, right after the injections, it literally looked like I had chewed on a blue pen. Quite amusing to all. You never see celebrities like this, but perhaps they don't choose to go out in public and go about their daily life during this recovery time, acting as though nothing is wrong with their face, I however, chose this route. It was much more amusing. Sometimes, when it's something you are aware is wrong with your face, it is fun to pretend you have no idea what they are all staring at. In fact, kind of fun to stare back at them with a look like, "what? Is this not normal?" So there it is. Now here's my tagging (many of you have already done this, but now you don't have to do it again).
Tag, you're it:
wendi, laura, natalie, rochelle, liz, and mary.

1 comment:

  1. I love your tell-all, let-it-all-hang-out way of blogging, Eve. It's awesome. And this picture literally looks like you just got mugged. I remember this. That is so funny that you would go around and act like absolutely nothing was wrong! :)
