Evidently I not only get my ingenuity from my mom, but also my "shi* sure do stink" problem from my mom :)

#3) I have CLEARLY always had fly-aways, but man did I rock them then and pretty sure I still rock them now. Lovin' the boufont.

#4) This one is for Wendi, just wanted to show ya the mustache-attached-glasses were cool back in the '80's and still now. In fact, so cool that my entire family had to wear them. Doesn't get much cooler.

#5) Ya, that's for sure frosted hair. Looks as though my mom took my hair and dipped the ends in bleach, but really, I'm just that amazing...oh, and as for the onesie, totally bringing back the terry cloth onesies with the retro patch. So look out, 'cuz they cannot be beat.

#6) Ummmm, can we simply say holy POTBELLY? The stomach was as large then as it is now. I had my brother beat from the beginning. In fact, I had no chance to ever have a flat stomach from the beginning by the looks of it, somewhat comforting in an odd way.

#8) So we were farmers rockin' the straw hats. What of it? yes, that's my dad.

#9) & #10) WEll...The stomach problem started young, as seen in the previous photo. Well, these two show perhaps why it started so early. My sugar cravings? Ya, they haven't gone away at all. My complete and total adoration for the largest chocolate chip cookie possible? Yep, it's still here and kickin' to. Once again, history explains mysteries.

#11) Best part? Would still buy a beanie or jacket like that at the drop of a hat if I saw one today. Other best part? My mom made that incredible gay flag beanie (Things weren't so strange back then, rainbows really had no association or pride involved, other than pride of being the coolest beanie ever)!!
This is awesome, Eve! I feel honored that you mentioned me TWICE. :) (Nice picture of the mustache-attached-glasses.) :) I like #3, #6, #10, and #11 the best. But #5, #7, and #9 are awesome too. Good job!! :)