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Tuesday, March 3, 2009 this really happening?

Ummm, so those of you who don't know, just wanted to put it out there. Although, pretty sure, all of those of you who read this are pretty much the coolest in my life, and therefore already know. Anyway, here goes...
- Got into Regis University School of Pharmacy (Denver, CO)
- Starts in August, and so Rob (my boyfriend, soon to be fiance) will be moving to Denver sometime around then if not a bit before
- I'll keep you posted as to wedding plans and or engagement (I know, we're kind of backwards).
That's life. Seems pretty good right now. Yee-Freakin'-Haw!!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS again on all counts. Can't wait until you're my official sister-in-law!! :)

  2. OMG. So, I'm thinking mid-week in mid-April. Sort of definitive right? Do you have anything that keeps you from having visitors mid-week or are you pretty free?

  3. J/k, Eve. I just looked at my calendar and the only two times i can fly out to SLC in April is $440. It looks like I'll have to be visiting you and Rob in Denver! I'm sorry I'm so negligent and haven't visited!

  4. well, mary, my friend. I was so excited until the second comment. But, totally feel ya on the money thing.
