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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I stole it from Mary

Stole this idea from a friend of mine who is currently (do to unemployment) as "bored" as I am (as she calls it, but I prefer to think of it as highly entertained and highly entertaining others). You know, all those "others" who read my blog, I think there may be five of you. whoot.whoot.

44 things about me:

1. Do you like blue cheese? ummm, yes. rarely, depending on the chunkiness of the blue cheesiness (not much sense, but sounded better that way in my head). But, if the chunkiness is of a moderate to low level (i.e. more like ranch), then I have been known to indulge when eating chicken wings (and lord knows I used to be able to down quite a few).

2. Have you ever been drunk? no comment.

3.Do you own a gun? of course. didn't you know that Orem, UT is a pretty riotous neighborhood.

4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite? Cherry. Used to eat the mix with the "fun-dip" stick after the "fun-dip" ran out.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? eh, ya know, I haven't had one in far too long.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? I think that the 98% fat free "franks" (all beef, of course 'cuz lord knows what is in them if they don't say that, and really even if they do) are quite delectable with the proper amount of grilling and ketchup and ruffles potato chips. Wow, flashback.

7. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf for a long time, still have to watch it every season, but really The Holiday has taken over just because I love the accent of the little girl that says, "you look like my bawbie (picture english accent when kid saying barbie).

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? "Zen" Tazo green tea (a delectable mix of green tea, lemongrass and spearmint). Could a girl ask for more excitement in one small cup?

9. Can you do push ups? If I set my mind to it, but as far as exercise goes I am far too willing to admit defeat (in fact, usually admit it prior to even leaving the couch). In truth, yes, minimal amounts.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? silver ring.

11. Favorite hobby? doing this sort of stupid useless and AWESOME thing.

12. Do you have A.D.D.? mhmmmmmm.

13. What's your favorite shoe? oh man, tooooo many. Lately, these white asics. Although, just ordered a new pair of converse XX HI that are going to be pretty rockin'. So thinkin' they will take over the fav spot.

14. Middle name? Grace.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? I should go to bed. Why is there a spanish commercial for milk on during my will and grace on the american lifetime channel, and whether or not my room is perma-stench or if one of the dogs has bad gas.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? diet coke, green tea, water.

17. Current worry? getting up in the morning.

18. Current hate right now? "hate" is a strong word, didn't your parent's teach you anything...I suppose physiology class but more of a "strong dislike."

20. How did you bring in the New Year? Jackson Hole with the fam. All laying on the pull out couch that was Rob's bed in front of the TV.

21. Where would you like to go? I love to wander. If I could wander all over the world unharmed and with no need for any monetary influence in any part of it, it would be luxurious I tell you.

22. Name three people who should complete this? whoever would love to as much as I did. You know, others volunteering themselves for a bit of tortuous entertainment...I know you're out there, fess up.

23. Do you own slippers? HECK YES. and LOVE THEM. (allow me to not wear socks that get any sort of hair on them, while still having soles to allow me to shuffle to class or run errands in them on lazy days without causing a problem, and keep my toes toasty in my freezing house because I refuse to pay the heat bill).

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Mint. It's a hoodie, of course.

25. Do you like sleeping on Satin sheets? ummm, Van Wilder anyone? Certainly not aiming to have that sort of disaster in my life...Flannel, all-year-round.

26. Can you whistle? Simply Awesome at it.

27. Favorite color? Slate blue (but depends on what referring to usually).

28. Would you be a pirate? Heck yes. Patch and a parrot and a hook...dream come true.

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I'm usually in too big of a hurry and trying to be quiet because someone coming in while I'm showering and killing me because I could not hear them come in is my BIGGEST fear.

30. Favorite girls names? Miller (Do NOT steal it or I will have to hurt you, although most hate it, so I'm assuming you won't).

31. Favorite boys names? Winton (Do NOT steal it either).

32. What's in your pocket right now? nada. got no pockets.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? haha (clearly still laughing thinking back to it)...Rob's house slippers.
34. Best bed sheets as a child? oh man, rainbow brite, no contest.

35. Worst injury you've ever had as a child? Perhaps just what I wore. Nothing physical.

36. Do you love where you live? I don't know about love, but certainly thoroughly enjoy it.

38. Who is your loudest friend? Kerri. Love it, but at times too much.

39. How many dogs do you have? Two. Five if you count the three I had previous to college and left for my parents.

40. Does someone have a crush on you? No, sad thing is, I sometimes wonder if anyone ever has. haha. That's awesome.

42. What is your favorite candy? too many. depends on the day. as of now, gummi worms.

43. Favorite Sports Team? PSU.

44. What song do you want played at your funeral? Some real depressing song mixed over a very shrill pop song. Ya know, the funeral with the funk, that's what I want.


  1. Sorry it took me so long to comment. I've been working on my talk this week.

    7. I loved the part about the "bawbie". :)
    14. I love that your middle name is Grace—always have, ever since the first time you told me.
    18. I love that you wrote that "hate" is a strong word.
    24. I love that you wear hoodies.
    25. I love that you sleep on flannel sheets year around—we will be too this year (since that’s all we have left).
    26. I love that you are awesome at whistling.
    28. I love that being a pirate would be your "dream come true". ;)
    30. I love Miller for a daughter’s name (for YOU).
    31. I love Winton for a son’s name (for YOU)—they both go well with Garr, I think.
    33. I love that you’re clearly still laughing over Rob's house slippers. :)
    34. I love that you had Rainbow Brite sheets as a child.
    35. I love that your worst “injury” as a child was perhaps just what you wore. :)
    44. I love that you aspire to have a “funeral with the funk”. :)

    This was highly entertaining reading, Eve. :)

  2. thanks wendi!...and to say you were never a detailed commenter. Look at you go!! thanks for the comment :)

  3. 29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I'm usually in too big of a hurry and trying to be quiet because someone coming in while I'm showering and killing me because I could not hear them come in is my BIGGEST fear.

    Somebody watched a little too much, "Psycho" as a child.

  4. I am so proud of you...PSU is your favorite sports team!!! HELL YEAH!..from Helen
