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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just a slight update...

Not sure how I'm getting anything done these days, as I already feel quite burnt out on school, but I think it's finalizing wedding details that is keeping me somewhat motivated. You know, something to look forward to in a few months when I'll finally get a break from school! Yahoo!! At any rate, I designed the screenprint to be put on the napkins and I think it should be awesome. Rob then took them to the place and got them all printed up for us and I think they look great! Plus, he totally took care of it, so I can't complain on that one. It's sooooo nice to have him just working a normal job and not going to school. That way all the stresses of vacuuming, and lawn mowing and dishes, etc. are all taken care of. It's so great. Anyway, just wanted to share my excitement that it seems to be all coming together just fine! Now back to studying, or at least I'm going to try.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm no style expert, but....

Totally random...
Was looking for fake fur white boots for little girls online (for my flower girls 'cuz they are adorable and their skirts are amazing, so I figured little white furry boots would finish off the outfit just adorably) and found THIS. WTF!?!?
Okay, so I heard rumors that Crocs were going out of business for lack of arch support in their shoes and ruining children's feet or something, but now I'm thinking it's because they have clearly reached well beyond their niche. Tacky pink fake suede with fake puke color fur and pink plastic. Really? Really? All on one boot. What are they thinking!?! Most likely I'm wrong and these lovely beauts will sell like wildfire. But, Just sayin'....I think I may have found their problem.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I Couldn't Sleep at all Last Night...

Ya, that title is supposed to be read to the tune of the song that those are the lyrics of...
At any rate, I couldn't. I got home at like six-thirty (I know, ridiculous, because what time does that leave a person like myself who tries to be in bed by ten at the latest any time to study? None, I tell you, None). At any rate, I got some soup for dinna and then sat down to begin studying. At which point I realized this was not worth the effort as I was far too tired to be focusing. I mean, this stuff is about ionizable drugs being able to diffuse across membranes and equilibrium and concentration gradients. Not exactly a half-dose read. I've attempted to make it that before and have been poorly impressed with the outcome. Basically, I just read it once at half-dose only to have to read it over again when awake and focused......long story short, I decided to take a quick nap. "Quick", of course, being the key to the whole equation. I fell asleep shortly after 9pm and awoke to Jay Leno and Rush Limbaugh and discussing the whole socialized healthcare hoo-ha going on in this crazy nation right about now. Can we say, Rude Awakening? Ya, pretty much awful. Might as well have not woken up because I was hot, sweaty, now annoyed by the topic I awoke too, and still had three chapters to read. Well, I studied until 1:00am and proceeded to tell myself that I would go to bed and get up early to finish the rest. This already resulted in like five hours of sleep since class started at 8:00am, but, I figured I'd try sleep. Nope. that's what sleep had to say about me trying it. Not Happenin'. I rolled around for hours, HOURS and getting so frustrated and then my bladder decided that evidently all the water I had drank throughout the day was going to finally build up and result in me having to urinate every twenty minutes. Of course, just as I get comfortable. It's gotta go like that. Well, as is the norm with not being able to sleep. The more minutes pass by, the more frustrated I get, the more I dread the morning coming, etc., etc. At any rate, I finally fell asleep at 4am and was surprisingly okay when the alarm went off at 6am. I got the studying done. It's all good. But, now I'm home from class, want to take a freakin' nap 'cuz I have a headache and what can I do? NOT NAP. That is for certain. For some reason sleep, despite all other bodily feeling telling me its what is needed, just keeps slammin' the door. NOPE. Watch more TV. Write a blog post. Don't you have studying to do? NO, NO, NO....I want to take a freakin' nap. Please just let me..........those of you who wonder what goes through my head sometimes, this was my last five minute inner monologue. Hope you enjoyed it. And, going the rate I am, I will prob have some more for you here shortly. Oh, and when it hits delirium, it's bound to only get better. haha.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Favorite... it does NOT GET ANY BETTER!

Wowsa...All the single babies...

It's getting chilly....

The weather here has been 80's one day to high of 50 the next and remained that way for a few days now. Should be back up again by the weekend, but Rob took the few days of cooler weather as an excuse to put his new favorite "bomber jacket" on Diesel for his walk. Here she is in her new duds.... Oh and check out her awesome "frog" pose while she happily chews her bone.

Friday, September 18, 2009

last video of the night

Just wait...


p.s. There are like four new posts below this, all from tonight, so make sure you scroll down so as not to miss any.
Don't know why this struck me as so funny, but it's absolutely HILARIOUS how badly this guy gets taken out. He's a news reporter too. Can't imagine this being on the air. Ridiculous!


Talking about Horton Hears A Who the other day in class and someone mentioned how wierd the part with "Katie" was. So, I you-tubed the clip. So Crazy!!!!! Had to share. If taken by itself, what is going on with this furball, and why is she going into the bushes like that!?!?

Can you tell I'm not studying again?

K, I just found this website while taking a break from studying called (TFLN - if you want to be cool with the lingo). At any rate, here were a few of my favorites. Oh, and just a warning, it is not a censored website, so although hilarious, may not be the most clean. And, if you don't get it, these are just random texts that people have gotten and found funny, so posted. Context is not known.

- so just incase you wake up on the couch wondering how you got there--you came home at 7am, put ice in a cup--then you proceeded to put the cup in the microwave and melt it because you "wanted water". you then, fell down the stairs while saying "you don't know me" then crawled to the couch.

- I'm still with the girl from last night. remember to call me conrad and that i work for PETA

- Reason #3 women are better than men: texting and peeing simultaneously. Write THAT in the snow.

- went out last night and woke up on the bathroom floor again, thinking about just moving my bed in there.

- Not only did a random toaster end up in my house last night, it's also full of skittles.

- I convinced her san diego was a state. all the proof I needed was saying, why do they call it san diego state university?

- you tried to scramble eggs in my dryer last night. i want you here in 15 minutes to clean this shit up

- this is a mass text: i just made a grilled cheese with an iron and pasta with the coffeemaker in the hotel room. bow before your new god.

- I want to poop on a bird, just to show them what it's like.

- i hope kanye doesn't show up to patrick swayze's funeral. " i'll let you get back to your funeral in a minute...but michael jackson had the best death of the year. just sayinnn ".

Ode to the Leprechaun

Yesterday was Thursday, officially the longest day of my week. Not because I have " every last one of the weeks that I have been in pharmacy school. It is long. Loooonnnnnggggg. I swear we have three quizzes and six application exercises like every Thursday. Needless to say, sometimes you just can't explain why things are the way they are, but this is just how Thursday has decided to pan out for me this semester. Well, yesterday was this lovely eternity that has decided to insert itself into my life, and I fully embraced it. You prob wonder, what does that mean? Well, let me explain. It began with some class on "cultural competence." Ya know, examining your own heritage, being aware of your own biases and where they come from and then putting yourself out there to get to know each and every individual's heritage that comes into your pharmacy. Knowing this about them ('cuz it's so normal for pharmacists to have that much time per patient, I'm sure you all know your pharmacist like this) can then help us make them feel utmost comfort while visiting our pharmacy and discussing their life problems great and small. Well, let me just tell ya, I fully agree with the fundamental idea of what they are teaching in this class, it's all about community, love one another, help the best we can, don't stereotype. But, an entire class on it?! So, needless to stay that started it all off on quite the amusing note, followed by class and waiting and class and waiting and talking and class, etc. At the point we reached the end of the day we were loopy. We began to speak about different stereotypes within my group. Making comments, talking about trends, and then it hit the Irish culture. One comment led to the next and before I knew it I had risen in my chair in order to whole-heartedly perform the leprechaun on the lucky charms box...ya know, hunched over and in a leprechaun voice with a who-knows-what accent saying with arms flailing and holding an invisible beer in one of them and a cane that I'm waving with passion in the other (this is in my head, clearly in the act I had no props at all and looked, I'm sure, ridiculous). I say (louder than I realized I had) "They're always after me lucky charms" as I shake my invisible cane and throw my invisible beer in the air, spilling it. At this point, the entire class (more than just my table) goes silent, teacher and all, and 53 heads turn to stare at me. I slump in my chair embarrassed and my table/group bursts out laughing. At which point my group then reverts back to second grade even more and all have the giggles uncontrollably for about two minutes. Probably hard to picture and not too funny if you weren't there. But, I have not been that embarrassed in a long time, but yet I have not laughed that hard in a long time either. Thoroughly enjoyable end to a ridiculously long day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oh, sweet procrastination.

My life lately, well incredibly boring. Filled with a lot of studying, some ellipticalling (spelling?), hanging out with the dogs, cherishing any spare moment with Rob that we are both home, oh, and did I mention studying? Well, tomorrow I have a pharmacy law exam. For those of you who are asking what? I am asking the same thing. Let me tell you, it's no joke. I feel as though I should be in law school or something with that class. Far more detailed than I need to know. But, I guess I need to know it, so I'm putting it off for now. Really, nothing to say except Pharmacy school is kicking my butt. Those of you who thought I studied a lot before, well, I study double that now. So, my no life has turned to my zero life. Although, must say, Denver is awesome. And, my friend Kerri who lives here has drug me out of the house a few nights. Oh, and we found a Happy Sumo not too far from us, so at least now we have a location for date nights. Not that we have many since i'm gone before Rob is up in the morning and he is home after I am asleep. Although, we do see each other on weekends. He watches sports while I study. Good times. And, school is based off of team based learning. Basically, we take individual quizzes, then take the same quiz as a group and then do "application exercises" as a group. Well, working with the same people from 8-5 all day long solving problems that are difficult is not always the most relaxing environment. Not jumping down each others throats, having to explain and re-think each and every thought, and still maintain a smile at some point is exhausting to say the least. I suppose my communication skills may be top notch, but I may need some intense drug therapy when it is all over. Good thing I'll be certified for that! Oh man, I guess there's not much more to update so I have to go back to studying the constitution and the long-arm statute followed by some IV dosing and drug receptor compounding. I can't wait. No really, I can't. Did I mention that I have nothing more to write? OKay, adios.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random Story

Hey, I just realized that I totally forgot to blog about my slight disaster aversion just prior to going to my brother's wedding. Well, basically, I had gotten my dress in the mail and it fit amazingly well for no alterations. Although, the length was a bit much. So, I knew it needed to be hemmed, but with moving to Colorado, starting school, etc., I sort of put it off and forgot about it. Well, I then began being reminded that I needed to get some shoes to match the dress, which reminded me that I needed to get the dress hemmed. So, I found this lovely place and actually found some lovely shoes to go with. Well, I had my appointment for the hemming all set, and had my shoes to take with me in order to get the right length (I know, I'm so on top of this stuff these days. I know how it all works). So, I have the shoes and the dress, the wallet, the keys, the phone, ya know the usgh (pronounced like the beginning of usually). Oh, and don't say I need a purse, because I have three things I check for and that's it, and it works. At any rate, hands were full so I put the shoe box on top of the car. Yes, I'm genius, you don't have to tell me twice. Well, you can all predict from there what occurs. Basically, get the dress in, myself and all else in (minus the shoes) open the garage door and proceed to back out. Get to the bottom of the drive (a slight lip) and hear something slide. I assume (clearly the shoes on the roof were not in my head at all any longer) that it is the dog water bottle sliding around in the back of my truck and proceed to accelerate forward. At which point we clearly feel the "oh crap, what was that" running over of something and I look at Rob like wtf, and proceed to stop. He gets out and then comes to the window carrying what was the perfect gold pair of steve madden shoes that I needed for not only the fitting in ten minutes but also the wedding in a week. Wow. Not so hot. We check them out, and in Steve Madden's defense, for getting run over by a truck those things didn't look half bad. In fact, were almost completely salvageable minus the one heel had become attached at a 45 degree angle rather than 90. So, Rob, being the calm soul that he is, and seeing a small panic attack quickly arriving begins to use the Garmin and determine where the closest shoe store is on the way to the fitting. No, they may not be the right shoes, but at least something that may work in order to at least get the hem correct on the dress. So, we go to famous footwear, and low and behold, they had the identical shoes, in the right size and half off what I originally paid! Wowsa, good day I tell ya.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


While we were in Boston for the past weekend we boarded the dogs at their new kennel here in Colorado. It is another one of those daycare/kennels where they all play together all day and it seems much more enjoyable than being in a kennel all day staring at the wall. Sadly enough, these places are much more expensive, and more expensive in Colorado than they were in Utah. But, because we are pretty particular about our children, we bit the bullet and put them up at the "Playful Pooch" for the weekend. It was actually a great place and they seemed to love it and the people seemed to love them. What else are they going to tell us, really? Hello, we are paying more money than I spend at a hotel per night to stay there. Anyway, when they came home, they smelled heavenly. I mean, to the point where when they walk by me in the house I don't avoid the hair and tell them to stay in their bubble. Rather, I linger in their lovely clean scent, and it's lasted like three days so far. Incredible feat, truly. Secondly, they had on these adorable bandanas and so I took a picture of them both with their little neckwear. And, impressively enough, these too have stayed on for two days and don't seem to bother them at all. Oh ya, and last great thing is that they have been so tired (prob from partying all weekend) that they have slept and not even needed a walk since we have gotten home. Heaven.

Monday, September 7, 2009


So, my brother got married this weekend. He and Meg are an absolutely gorgeous and adorable and totally in-love couple. Almost too cute for words. My brother is amazing, and you all know this because I talk about him all the time, but Meg is amazing as well. Together, as expected, they threw the most amazing wedding ever. It was straight out of a bridal magazine (bride and all) and at times I felt as though I was in a movie. It was held in Boston at Harvard. The Harvard yard church (ceremony and rehearsal), boat club (welcome bbq the night before), and faculty club (cocktails and reception). It was so classic and elegant and could not have been any better as far as weather, friends, good food and good times. At any rate, here's a few pics from the various parts of the weekend and the lovely things I was doing while not studying and coming home to having a TON of stuff to read and catch up on so that I may pass a class tomorrow. I'll keep ya posted.

So this was me at the end of it all. 2am, goofy and exhausted. If you couldn't tell. Oh, and that was after retrieving the bazill bobby pins that held my head, I mean my hair, together for the whole evening.

The first Dance (It was awesome, they had it all coreographed). My brother, could he be any happier? That was a candid photo, not kidding. And some form of celebratory drink at the after party.

The parents and the friends, and of course, myself.

My bro and I. The incredibly gorgeous bride down to every minute detail. Oh ya, and the happy groom coming back victorious from his marriage. It's official. I have a new sister-in-law. I'm pretty stoked about it. Oh, and Oz and I at the bbq dinner party the night before the big day. Glow sticks were a hit. I clearly started the trend.

Now it's back to the textbooks. There may be more pics coming as time allows. But, here's a taste of the festivities and the truly lovely weekend for now.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

more pics, as promised...

First off, the outfit (yes, not creative either, but it was clean). Secondly, in response to Wendi's question about the door in the living room - yes, it goes to the backyard. I also added a picture from the back door looking into the house. You can see the living room on the right which goes through to the kitchen, the master bedroom door just past the fireplace on the left and then looking straight through to the front door. Just pass the master bedroom hallway on the left is the hallway with a small half bath and the laundry room (washer and dryer are just around the corner in the pic). Oh ya, and a few pictures of the backyard and deck. On the right, the little walkway goes around to the side where we keep the trash cans or you can go into the garage. I'm sure I'll take more pics soon. But, that's it for now. Oh ya and school...actually going pretty well. Liking that it's small, and actually liking being a guinea pig (first class) because they are willing to work with us and love our input and feedback. So, going well overall. Tons of reading though, that's for sure!