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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Side Note to all the crafting...

So, Rob and I, about a week ago decided to eat some asparagus for dinner. Put it in the oven and rolled it in a bit of olive oil and salted it. Mmmmmm, delicious. Well, for those of you who don't know (ROB), or those of you who do, I'll reiterate....Asparagus makes your urine smell awful!!!
So, we eat our asparagus before Rob goes to work. Rob leaves for work, and I am left home to study, and of course not too much later, I have to use the restroom. Go to the bathroom and think to myself, due to the stench, and not remembering that I just ate asparagus, I think that I have some sort of MEGA uti. But, then I quickly remember, oh ya, that's not that stench so much as it is from the asparagus. Okay, good to go.
Ask Rob in the morning if his pee stunk so bad last night at work. He says no, don't think so, but what does it smell like? I say, I don't know, something rotten or awful ( I know, clearly I was running into a wall of explicit description adjectives). He pauses, ponders, silence for about two minutes as, then he says, "wait, does it smell like really bad rusty pipes?"
"Yes, exactly, much better description." Then realizing that he could have only had this description if he HAD smelt it. So, I wait for the answer and he begins to tell me that indeed it did. In fact, as he went to the bathroom throughout the night at the hospital he was convinced that they had some real bad plumbing problem going on and had opened all the windows in three different bathrooms as a result. Of course, I am now laughing, picturing this, and him having no clue. But, honestly, who doesn't know this.
At any rate, we had another batch of asparagus for dinner tonight (target has it on special), and it was just as delicious as the first time, and this time good old Rob is well prepared to go to work with the happenings of his renal filtration system. But, I just got to thinking, why does this occur, and I found out why and thought I would share a little "food for thought" with you all (no pun intended), so here goes....
Asparagus contains a sulfur compound called mercaptan. It is also found in onions, garlic, rotten eggs, and in the secretions of skunks. The signature smell occurs when this substance is broken down in your digestive system. Not all people have the gene for the enzyme that breaks down mercaptan, so some of you can eat all the asparagus you want without stinking up the place, but the rest of us (clearly myself and Rob) do not, and you certainly KNOW when we eat asparagus. There ya go, now you know.


  1. I've never eaten asparagus...and I think I will now vow to never try it! ;)

  2. HAHAHA! First off, I love asparagus!! And the pee thing is just a rotten side note. But the shocker here goes to Wendi... She's NEVER had asparagus? I don't think I know a single soul who hasn't had asparagus! But, then again my life just revolves around fine foods that smell up the urine! That's so funny about Rob! Poor old ladies down the hall were probably freezin cause he thought there was a plumbing problem!
